Who We Are

UNU research experts and personnel

UNU Headquarters Japan
Showing 211-220 of 608 results

Staff M&E Coordinator

Leonard Hasu

Leonard Hasu is a Ghanaian expert in Data, Research, Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E), Project development and management, Climate Change & Environment Mid-term and Terminal evaluations, Capacity building, and SME development.

Staff Head of Education

Karen Hattenbach

Karen Hattenbach

Expert Doctoral Researcher

Tobias Hatzfeld

Tobias Hatzfeld is part of the Joint Junior Researcher Programme of UNU-FLORES and TU Dresden.

Expert Education coordinator

Drs. Cleo Heyen

Cleo Heyen is Education Coordinator of the Master in Public Policy and Human Development at United Nations University/Maastricht University and started in September 2022.

Expert Research Fellow

Kalle Hirvonen

Kalle Hirvonen is a Research Fellow at UNU-WIDER, seconded from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

Staff Finance Assistant

Michelle Ho

Michelle HO Sut Meng has over 20 years of experience within the United Nations University system and is currently the Finance Assistant of UNU Institute in Macau.

Staff Head of Communication

Dr. Nadine Hoffmann

Dr. Nadine Hoffmann is a strategic communicator with a global focus and 15+ years of professional experience across a variety of sectors. She has a proven track record of developing communication strategies to reach and engage diverse audiences across platforms.

Expert Senior Researcher

Hugo Hollanders

Hugo Hollanders is an Economist and Senior Researcher at UNU-MERIT. 

Expert Research Analyst Consultant

Haruto Honda

Haruto Honda

Expert Lead, Transportation-Related Air Pollution (TRAP)

Dr. Vahid Hosseini

Dr. Vahid Hosseini is an expert in sustainable urban transportation.