
Water is a core component of sustainable development that inherently links livelihoods, ecosystems, populations, and infrastructure. UNU water-related research addresses the needs of low- and middle-income countries, with a particular focus on policy guidance, natural resources planning, and new technology.

For example, our research on water, sanitation, and hygiene, and on wastewater management and reuse, bridges science, policy, and practice to pair innovative technologies with communities in need.

Showing 37-48 of 218 results

Side Event

Enhancing Water Security in Changing Environments: A Perspective on Asian Cities

BALI: This side event of the 10th World Water Forum will discuss water security issues in cities in Asia with an emphasis on SDG 6 metrics.



Former UNU Senior Vice-Rector Taikan Oki to Receive Japan's Medal with Purple Ribbon

Professor Oki will receive the Medal from the Prime Minister of Japan during a ceremony held in Tokyo.

01 May 2024

Media Coverage

Japanese Newspapers Feature 9th Youth Environmental Activity Contest

The 9th Japan Youth Environmental Activity Contest was featured in special print editions of the Yomiuri SDGs Newspaper and Chukosei Newspaper.

28 Mar 2024