
Showing 13-24 of 74 results


29th Workshop of SDG–Universities Platform

The session featured Charline Urbain and Anne Weyembergh from Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

30 Nov 2023


28th Workshop of the SDG–Universities Platform

The workshop highlighted the outcomes of the four working groups.

20 Oct 2023


27th Workshop of the SDG-Universities Platform

The workshop discussed the progress of the working groups ahead of the Interim Report Meeting in October 2023.

30 Sep 2023

Side Event

Leveraging Postgraduate Education for Sustainable Development: The Resource-Nexus and Environmental Management in Global South Partnerships

NEW YORK / ONLINE: This SDG Action Weekend side event will explore the potential of higher education to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.



26th Workshop of the SDG–Universities Platform

The workshop convened four working groups for the first time in 2023.

22 Jul 2023


A Visit to the TU Dresden Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory – a Valuable Resource for the ABCD Centre

The visit Hubert Engels Laboratory of the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Technical Hydromechanics (IWD) in TU Dresden.

11 Jul 2023

Press Release

Dr David Malone, Former UNU Rector, Receives Highest Honour from Government of Japan

Dr David M. Malone was awarded the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun by the Government of Japan.

01 May 2023


Prof. Tshilidzi Marwala Sworn in as Rector of UNU

On 17 April 2023, a Swearing-in Ceremony for the 7th Rector of the United Nations University was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

17 Apr 2023