Research Projects

Generating solutions to pressing development challenges

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UNU research focuses on the challenges faced by the United Nations and its Member States. Our current research portfolio supports all of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015 to inspire global action to overcome the world’s biggest challenges.

Showing 341-350 of 369 results

Project 01 May 2017

Crime-Conflict Nexus: Assessing the Threat and Developing Solutions

Improving the international response in situations where crime and conflict intersected.

Project 01 May 2017

Crime-Conflict Nexus: Centrifugal Forces - Exploring the Nexus of Global Illicit Flows and Local Conflict Dynamics

A new framework for thinking about the nexus of global illicit flows and local conflict dynamics.

Project 01 May 2017

Crime-Conflict Nexus: Libya - a Patchwork State Sewn Together Along Trafficking Lines

Exploring the nexus of global illicit flows and local conflict dynamics.

Project 01 Apr 2017

Crime-Conflict Nexus: Going Straight: Criminal Spoilers, Gang Truces and Negotiated Transitions to Lawful Order

The role of negotiation in contexts where crime and conflict intersect.

Project 01 Apr 2017

Crime-Conflict Nexus: Criminal Agendas and Peace Negotiations - The Case of Colombia

How the FARC and the Government of Colombia have charted a way forward with respect to criminal agendas in the context of peace negotiations.

Project 01 Apr 2017

Crime-Conflict Nexus: The Hellish Road to Good Intentions - How To Break Political-Criminal Alliances in Contexts of Transition

How a sharpened analysis can reduce the role of illicit economies and crime in post-conflict and regime-change situations.

Project 01 Apr 2017

Crime-Conflict Nexus: Myanmar Maneuvers: How To Break Political-Criminal Alliances in Contexts of Transition

Policy recommendations to act against Myanmar’s illicit economies for the remaining time of Suu Kyi’s five-year term.

Project 01 Apr 2017

Crime-Conflict Nexus: Afghanistan Affectations: How To Break Political-Criminal Alliances in Contexts of Transition

Four possible inflection points where the international community and Afghan government could have fundamentally altered the course.

Project 01 Mar 2017

Civil War Trends and the Changing Nature of Armed Conflict

Guiding adaptations in conflict management tools for international entities.

Project 26 Jan 2017

The Rise of High-Level Panels: Implications for the New UN Secretary-General

The evolving UN experience with high-level panels, the types of impact they have had, and how they might prove most valuable going forward.