
Improving China’s institutional capacity towards universal social protection

Enhance China's social insurance through digital transformation, adopting global best practices for universal coverage, with studies of international experiences, strategy development, and mutual learning events.

Date Published
7 Jul 2021
Expected Start Date
07 Jul 2021
Expected End Date
31 Dec 2022
Project Type
Research and Capacity Development
Project Status

The project aims to facilitate the digital transformation of social insurance administration and services in the People's Republic of China, aligning them with global best practices and ensuring universal social security coverage, by:
1. Conducting a comprehensive study to identify and synthesize international and European experiences in successful digital transformations of social security systems.
2. Supporting the digital transformation of China's social insurance administration and services to meet global standards.
3. Enhancing the capacity of social insurance administration to deliver efficient and robust social security services for universal coverage in China.


  • Carry out a situation analysis of the state of digital transformation of social security in five localities in China and nationally.

  • Identify and document four experiences of digital transformation carried out by social insurance administrations internationally, including three in the European Union and draw possible recommendations for China.

  • Develop a digital transformation strategy for social insurance in China including vision, mission, key objectives, outcomes and success criteria.

  • Develop a digital transformation and data governance action plan including key performance indicators, monitoring and measurement approach.

  • Conduct a series of five mutual learning events on trends in the digital transformation of the public sector in China, the European Union and the world.    


D1. A situation analysis of social security in China.
D2. Four global good practice cases, with a mapping of trends and lessons for China. Cases include Australia, Canada, Denmark, and France. Complimented with a fifth case on the European Union plus a summary and comparisons of the four national cases.
D3. Digital transformation strategy for social insurance in China.
D4. A digital transformation and data governance action plan for social insurance in China.
D5. Five learning events on digital transformation.

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