Capacity Development

Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policies (DEIP)

UNU-MERIT's DEIP: Week-long innovation policy workshops for LMIC officials and private sector leaders, running for 15 years.

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The UNU-MERIT Design and Evaluation of Innovation Policies (DEIP) workshops, which we offer for already 15 years, is an intensive one-week programme for policymakers in science, technology and innovation in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and participants from the private sector involved in strategic decision-making about technology and innovation.  The training focuses on the theory and practice of innovation policy; policy design; policy implementation; the measurement and monitoring of innovative performance, and the evaluation of the outcomes of innovation policies.

The programme meets the growing demand from LMICs for support in analysing the latest technological developments and designing appropriate responses and policies tailored to their specific development contexts. The content of the programme is designed jointly with the local partners and experts, and local and international experts provide the content elements. A cornerstone of the programme is the interaction between the participants and experts and information-sharing sessions.

The workshop targets senior and mid-level officials of Ministries of Science and Technology, Industry, Economic Affairs and other technology-supporting institutions, as well as representatives from the private sector involved in science and technology policy issues.

Some examples of DEIP programmes are:

2019, LaPaz, Bolivia

  • 2019, Kerala, India
  • 2018, Rabat, Morocco
  • 2017, Lima, Peru
  • 2017, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire