Capacity Development Office - Online course

Certificate Programme: Governance and Policy Evaluation

This certificate programme is a bundle of three online courses.

About this course

This certificate programme includes the following three courses:


In order to complete the certificate programme you will need to:

  • Complete the three courses, including a final assignment and oral exam 
  • Complete the Certificate programme assignment 
  • Complete the assignment discussion sessions with your tutor and peers 

Upon a successful enrolment, every participant will start the course on immediately after the acquisition of the course materials. Your tutor will reach out to you to agree on a timeline.



2000 EUR


ECTS equivalent

Upon completion of the Certificate programme, you will receive the three individual course certificates, as well as the combined educational badge accounting for 7 ECTS equivalence credits (2 ECTS equivalence credits per course, and 1 ECTS equivalence credit for the final assignment)


Duration: approximately 3 months


Application Process

You can apply for each course by using the online application form.

During the application process, you will need to upload the following documents:   

  • Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
  • A copy of your (valid) passport (PDF or JPEG)

After completing the application, you will receive a confirmation email along with the payment information. Once we receive the payment, we will register you as a participant for the course, and the Online Courses Administration Team will contact you. The administrative process typically takes an average of 5-10 working days.   

If you have any questions regarding the application documents or the application process or if there are any clarifications you need before applying, please feel free to reach out to the Capacity Development Office at the email address:



By credit card:

By bank transfer:

Bank account no.:  
IBAN:                                NL05 INGB 0657 618705
Swift or BIC code:           INGBNL2A 
Beneficiary:                      Maastricht University
Bank Name:                      ING Business Banking 
Bank address:                  P.O. Box 90153
                                           5600 RE Eindhoven 
                                           The Netherlands 
Payment specifications:   Your last name and 45320002001N