Renée Speijcken

Renée Speijcken


Contacts +31 43 388 4664

Renée currently works as a researcher and project manager in the area of governance and accountability at UNU-MERIT and its School of Governance of Maastricht University.

She is specialized in the political and institutional aspects of governance, public service delivery and aid effectiveness.  Within this field her research concentrates on analyzing and assessing accountability policies and practices and more in particular the mechanisms through which the different stakeholders, including aid donors, interact in these processes. 

Next to research Renée is involved in training courses for civil servants, elected representatives and employees of local and international NGOs and international organizations on topics ranging from ‘strengthening citizens involvement in policy and decision-making making in service delivery’ to ‘evidence based policy analysis, advocacy and evaluation’.

Her professional experience in this area involves research, training and policy advice projects with a variety of public and private actors from countries in Latin America, Sub Sahara Africa, Asia and Europe for over more than 10 years.