
Dr. Teresa Farinha


Teresa Farinha is a Researcher at United Nations University MERIT, focusing on the evolution of regional labor systems, impacts of automation and climate change, and the future of work - explore her Job Space network. Teresa also does policy, teaching and supervising, supported by DataCamp - join her DataCamp Classroom.

Teresa has a PhD in Evolutionary Economic Geography from Utrecht University, with a thesis on "The evolving geography of jobs: how relatedness shapes labour dynamics". She also has two degrees from the University of Lisboa - MSc in Financial and Monetary Economics and Undergrad in Economics - and work experience in policy impact evaluation, audit, business consulting, risk analysis, governance, tutoring, and volunteer work for Portuguese NGOs on Fisheries & Marine Policy, Circular Economy, Migration, and Sustainable Development Goals for Children (Health, Gender, and Education). Along her academic career, since 2009, Teresa has also organized conferences and workshops, coordinated research projects in innovation and policy impact evaluation - find more about her research projects - and assisted the PhD Programme at UNU-MERIT as Deputy Director.

Teresa is passionate about applying her research skills to solve real problems, bridging science and policy. She focus on how economic complex systems evolve, and how to use that knowledge to nurture inclusive economic prosperity. Her research interests: economic development, the future of work, ecology, sustainability transitions, pro-poor innovation, and policy impact evaluation.
