
20th Workshop of the SDG–University Platform

The session discussed sustainability efforts of Tsinghua University.

On 12 October 2022, UNU-IAS organized the 20th workshop of the SDG–Universities Platform (SDG-UP). The online event engaged 47 participants from 21 universities across Japan. Guest speaker Zheng Yi, Head of Office at the Institute for Sustainable Development Goals of Tsinghua University, discussed the key principles guiding the sustainability initiatives at her institution.

‘Talent Training’ forms the core of the university’s sustainability efforts. Tsinghua University offers several SDG-related courses, including the Dual Master’s Program in Public Policy for SDGs (MPP-SDG) in collaboration with the University of Geneva.

The second principle is ‘Social Contribution’ through lifelong learning programmes. The university provides as many as 400 SDG online courses available to the public to provide quality education for all.

The third principle is ‘University Management’ with the underlying recognition that it is crucial to work towards achieving the SDGs through all university activities.

‘Research Activities’ is the fourth key principle aiming to promote interdisciplinary research and expand global partnerships, such as the Tsinghua-Geneva SDGs Initiative to promote collaboration with the University of Geneva.

Ms Yi concluded that strong partnerships were indispensable for solving issues across diverse areas, and emphasised that universities would continue to promote various initiatives contributing to the achievement of the Global Goals.

Shinobu Yume Yamaguchi (Director, UNU-IAS) moderated the Q&A session and group discussion, which focused on the factors behind the increase in SDG-related initiatives at Japanese universities, and mechanisms to promote SDG education.

detailed report on the event is available in Japanese.

Participating Universities

The workshop engaged 21 participating universities, which are listed below in alphabetical order.

Ehime University
Hiroshima University
Hokkaido University
International Christian University
International University of Japan
Kanagawa University
Kanazawa University
Keio Gijuku University
Kwanseigakuin University
Notre Dame Seishin University
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Osaka Metropolitan University
Osaka University
Ryukoku University
Showa University of Music
Soka University
Sophia University
The University of Kitakyushu
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Toyo University

20th SDG–UP Workshop Zoom Screenshot
Image: UNU-IAS

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