Magdalena Mirwald

Magdalena Mirwald

Project Manager - Disaster Risk Finance and Climate Policy

MSc, Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security, University of Bonn and UNU-EHS, Germany; with semester at Université Grenoble Alpes, France
BA, Political Science and Geography, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany; with semester at Venice International University, Italy

Magdalena Mirwald is a Project Associate at MCII.

She is the focal point of the Multi-Actor Partnership on climate and disaster risk financing and preparedness in the context of the InsuResilience Global Partnership project. As part of the Policy, Governance and Strategies team, Magdalena engages with political stakeholders and partners to support MCII’s agenda of strengthening the disaster risk management – resilience nexus.

Magdalena is interested in combining qualitative and quantitative methods in the fields of climate adaptation, CDRFI and (climate) migration. She holds an MSc in Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security from the University of Bonn and UNU-EHS, where she investigated the inclusion of human mobility in national adaptation policies for her master’s thesis. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Geography from Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, where she specialised in conflict studies and climate policy. She has completed internships at the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) working on climate risk insurance, at the German Red Cross in disaster management and at the Ministry of Environment of the Mexican State of Jalisco. Magdalena has also previously worked as a student assistant at the German Development Institute, working on quantitative study social cohesion in Africa, as well as in the MCII project ‘MAIN Germany: Economy of Climate Change – new MAnagement INstruments to mitigate the risks of climate change in state and economy.