The study shall be conducted based on the prior selection and subsequent analysis of specific use cases developed by the Public Administrations and Private Sector Entities of the EU Member States within the framework of the services rendered by these and that constitute the processing of citizens’ personal data. The result of the study conducted shall identify the limits that blockchain technology presents with regard to full compliance with the provisions imposed by the GDPR and a catalogue of recommendations and measures aimed at tackling the challenges arising from the interplay between technology and regulation.
UNU-EGOV and the AEPD shall participate jointly in the definition of the selection criteria for the use cases to be used in the study and which shall constitute the basis of the Assessment Framework of the study to be carried out. Once the criteria are set out, UNU-EGOV and the AEPD shall jointly select, from the candidate use cases, those that will form the basis of the study and on which UNU-EGOV shall gather and analyse data, leading to the drafting of an initial report which shall be reviewed by the AEPD before proceeding with a final draft of the document on the result of the study, comprising the purpose of the MoU.