
Inaugural West Africa Digital Governance Forum Launched in Banjul: Setting a Course for Regional Transformation

Initially proposed by UNU-EGOV, the first edition of the West Africa Digital Governance Forum (WADGov Forum) was launched in Banjul.

The participants of the WADGov Forum, held in Banjul on the 13th and 14th of September, aimed to coordinate efforts among these countries to develop digital governance practices.

UNU-EGOV promoted the event in partnership with the Government of The Gambia. One of the main achievements of this Forum was the appointment of a Founding Committee of the WADGOV Forum that brings together relevant stakeholders from the different countries in the region, international organizations and the private sector. The Committee is responsible for designing, over the next six months, a roadmap for 2023-24 to expand and consolidate the WADGov Forum and seek the formal commitment of all West African countries and other relevant regional and international organizations.

The Forum will act as a network with diverse and relevant stakeholders in the region, aiming to share experiences and best practices and foster synergies at the regional level. Creating a close relationship with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is pivotal to avoid the replication of initiatives.

To know more about the WADGov Forum, see here.

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