Jobs (decent work)

Employed, productive populations fuel investment, sustainable economic growth, and inclusive progress. But with the majority of the working age population in developing countries employed in informal and insecure jobs, there is an urgent need for expanded opportunities for fair wages, safe working environments, and social protection.

UNU research is helping to find ways to encourage the movement of workers from the informal sector to the more productive formal sector. Concurrently, UNU is helping to illuminate opportunities for more dynamic informal firms to grow and ways for people working in these firms to achieve decent and remunerative work. 


Showing 121-132 of 136 results

Blog Post

Screening Migrant Workers in Thailand with New Technology

UNU Macau embarked on a research project with the Mekong Club to help to identify potential victims of forced labour and human trafficking.

21 Jan 2019

Blog Post

Delta 8.7: 5 lessons learned on slavery risk for policy actors

Lessons learned from a Delta 8.7 online Symposium on Modeling Slavery Risk.

18 Dec 2018

Blog Post

AI & Global Governance: Artificial Intelligence for All - A Call for Equity in the 4th Industrial Revolution

As we delegate more tasks and decisions to AI systems, how will humans minimise harm and maximize benefit?

28 Oct 2018


Skills Training for Survivors of Sexual Exploitation Fieldwork

UNU Macau researchers conducted fieldwork in the Philippines, as part of the Migrant Technology project.

30 Apr 2018


Pilot of Apprise: Identification of Exploitation of Migrant Workers

UNU Macau's Hannah Thinyane, Karthik Bhat and Monticha Puthawong begin the initial rollout of Apprise to support labour exploitation identification.

09 Mar 2018


Ghana Climate Innovation Center (GCIC) Project

The GCIC provides a country-driven approach to addressing climate, energy, and resource challenges, and supporting economic development.

04 Nov 2016