Digital transformation and emerging technologies
This research project aims to explore how emerging technologies can transform the public sector and decision-making, and support sustainable development.
Digital Government strategy and methodologies
This research project relates to the development, renewal, and redesign of the e-Government strategy into a digital governance strategy.
Blog Post
Can We Sustain Peace by Fighting Human Trafficking in Conflict? Lessons From Libya
A "prevention first" approach and its potential impact on the upcoming Security Council debate.
Media Coverage
Secretary-General Guterres and Changes within MONUSCO
The UN's peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Vítor Fonte
Vítor Fonte is Adjunct Assistant Professor at the United Nations University (UNU-EGOV). He is also a full-time Assistant Professor at the University of Minho, and a senior researcher at INESC TEC’s High Assurance Software Laboratory (INESC TEC/HASLab).
Media Coverage
The Politics of the Kurdish Independence Referendum
The politics of the Kurdish independence referendum.
Group Cohesion and Peace Processes
Internal cohesion of non-State armed groups during peace processes.
Diplomacy and Good Offices in the Prevention of Conflict
A joint flagship study between the UN the World Bank on the prevention of violent conflict.
Preventing Violent Urban Conflict
A joint flagship study on Preventing Violent Conflict between the UN and the World Bank.
UN Sanctions and the Prevention of Conflict
The UN and the World Bank are undertaking a joint flagship study on Preventing Violent Conflict.