Research Projects

Generating solutions to pressing development challenges

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UNU research focuses on the challenges faced by the United Nations and its Member States. Our current research portfolio supports all of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015 to inspire global action to overcome the world’s biggest challenges.

Showing 81-90 of 369 results

Project 13 Dec 2020

Multifunctional Use of Agricultural Landscapes Under Climate Change Conditions

The project aims to develop strategies for a multifunctional rural landscape by considering the characteristics of a pilot area of Tanzania

Project 20 Jan 2022

AI4PA Portugal | Artificial Intelligence & Data Science for Public Administration Portugal Innovation Hub

Enhance Portugal's public sector efficiency through AI4PA, promoting AI integration for policy effectiveness and stakeholder training.

Project 13 Jan 2022

Enhancing Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Safeguarding and Transmission Using ICT in Luang Prabang

This project aims to enhance the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in the World Heritage Site town of Luang Prabang, in Lao PDR.

Project 17 Feb 2022

Accounting Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystem Services Through Land Management for Agri-Food and Forest Systems Resilience.

This project will assess the impact of climate change on ecosystem services in river basins and provide policy recommendations for their management.

Project 07 Jun 2022

European Drought Observatory for Resilience and Adaptation (EDORA)

This project aims to widen the scope of the existing European Drought Observatory Portal by looking at affected sectors beyond just agriculture.

Project 19 Jan 2038

Flexible Office: Concept for Resource Optimisation (FLORES)

This project at UNU FLORES seeks to make a significant shift from fixed desks assigned to each employee to spaces designed according to functions and needs

Project 07 Apr 2022

Frugal Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Water 4.0 in Africa (FIUWA)

The results of the project will be utilized to kickstart an innovation community of practice that not only improves water infrastructure but also has the capacity to spur entrepreneurship and create jobs for youths

Project 29 Nov 2021

Managing a Just Transition to Electric Mobility – A Resource Nexus Approach to End-of-Life Vehicles in the Global South

The project formulates policy recommendations for international trade regarding used battery-electric vehicles

Project 06 Oct 2021

Resource Nexus for Sustainability Transformations (NEXtra)

The project supports doctoral students from the Global South working on sustainability transformations using a Resource Nexus perspective.

Project 21 Dec 2021

Lusatian Resources - Sustainable Development of Coal Mining Areas through Adaptation of the Resource Nexus and Considering Social Change (LuReNex)

The research investigates the German role on global coal phase out and modelling pathways for other UN Member states