Elevating Youth Voices for Global Biodiversity Action
A COP16 side event discussed ways to boost meaningful youth participation in the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
Welcome to the October Edition of COLLECTIVE, the UNU Macau Newsletter
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Building Bridges for Science: Reflections from UNU-MERIT's Reach & Turn Workshop
Our Partnerships Specialist Dr. Diego Salama shares key takeaways from the science communication workshop that he co-led in Panama on 21 October 2024.
UNU-MERIT's Recent Activities as an ITU Academy Training Centre
UNU-MERIT's Dr Mindel van de Laar reflects on recent ITU events that we have participated in, and shares an overview of our upcoming ITU courses.
United Nations Day 2024: Exploring Prospects for Growth
Resonating deeply, the 2024 theme has sparked interest as it aligns with a key issue of national discourse
United Nations University Rector to Receive Sustainability Award in Germany
2024 Saxon Sustainability Conference
UNU and Pasona Group Sign Memorandum of Understanding
Under the new agreement, UNU and Pasona Group will collaborate on joint educational activities to support regional sustainable development in Japan.
Podcast: Bringing Mental Health into Climate Discussions
For UN Day, UNU-MERIT expert Dr. Sanae Okamoto is interviewed by the UN Student Association ahead of her research presentations at COP29 next month.
On UN Day, UN Research and Training Institutions Commit to Advancing the Pact for the Future
The continued collaboration of UN research and training entities will be pivotal in achieving the transformative objectives set out in the Pact.
UNU-FLORES Hosts Supervisors of 32 Doctoral Researchers on the NEXtra Doctoral Programme
UNU-FLORES leadership shared important updates with doctoral supervisors in a comprehensive briefing and discussion session.