Media Coverage

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World Water Week 2017
Showing 9-12 of 12 results

Media Coverage 19 Feb 2021

UNU-IAS Featured in Toyo Keizai Inc. Special Edition Publication on Top Global Universities

UNU-IAS Director was featured in Toyo Keizai Inc. special edition publication on top global universities.

Media Coverage 25 Jan 2021

The Japan Times Features UNU-IAS Researcher Championing Biodiversity

Japan Times article featured a UNU-IAS researcher discussing her passion for sustainability.

Media Coverage 06 Aug 2020

UNU and UNU-IAS featured by Toyo Keizai Inc. on Universities Working on SDGs Volume 2

Toyo Keizai Inc. magazine “Universities Working on SDGs" volume 2 features UNU and UNU-IAS.

Media Coverage 28 Nov 2019

Sustainability CSO Forum Features Interview with UNU-IAS Education Expert

Fumiko Noguchi was featured in an interview article titled "Towards human development for the achievement of SDGs: Global trend of ESD."