Who We Are

UNU research experts and personnel

UNU Headquarters Japan
Showing 301-310 of 610 results

Expert Research Lead

Claudia Abreu Lopes

Dr Claudia Abreu Lopes is a Research Lead at the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH).

Expert PhD Fellow

Maria Lorenzo

Maria Pilar Lorenzo is a PhD Fellow at UNU-CRIS and at Ghent University’s Centre for Higher Education Governance.

Staff Finance Associate

Li Moi Low

Li Moi Low

Expert Lead, Systems Analysis and Hydro-Economic Modeling

Prof. Jay R. Lund

Professor Jay Lund enjoys teaching, researching, and engaging in many aspects of theory and practice for water management and policy, usually trying to integrate economics and operations research with traditional engineering.

Expert Lead, Forest and Fire Ecology

Prof. James Lutz

Professor James (Jim) Lutz studies the global applicability of healthy forests to ecosystem and societal well-being.

Staff Operations Manager

Huantian Lyu

Huantian Lyu is the Operations Manager of UNU Institute in Macau.

Expert Lead, Water, Energy, Food and Environment (WEFE) Nexus

Prof. Tafadzwanashe Mabhaudhi

Prof. Tafadzwanashe Mabhaudhi is a globally recognised researcher, boundary spanner, and science advocate, working on complex water, energy, food, and environmental systems at the interface of science, policy, and society.

Expert Director

Prof. Kaveh Madani

Prof. Kaveh Madani is the Director of the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH).

Expert UNU INRA ( Operating Unit Namibia, Coordinator)

Samuel Mafwila

Dr Mafwila is the Coordinator of the UNU-INRA Operating Unit in Nambia.

Expert Lead, Sustainable Infrastructure in Cold Regions

Prof. Pooneh Maghoul

Prof. Pooneh Maghoul’s research focuses on the intersection of geotechnical engineering and sustainable development by addressing the challenges posed by climate change in cold and permafrost regions.