Who We Are

UNU research experts and personnel

UNU Headquarters Japan
Showing 111-120 of 608 results

Expert Digital Governance Capacity Building Consultant

Laura Conti

Laura Conti is a Digital Governance Capacity Building Consultant of the United Nations University (UNU-EGOV) since September 2024.

Staff Communication Consultant

Liliana Costa

Liliana Costa holds the role of Communication Consultant for the UNU-EGOV since September 2023.

Expert Adjunct Professor

Elsa Costa e Silva

Elsa Costa e Silva has been an Adjunct Professor at the United Nations University Operating Unit on Policy-Driven Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV) since 2024.

Expert Senior Research Associate

Davide Cotti

Davide Cotti is Senior Research Associate at UNU-EHS, where he shares his position between the VARMAP and the EVES divisions.

Expert Adjunct Professor, Flood Forecasting and Management

Prof. Paulin Coulibaly

Paulin Coulibaly is a Professor of Water Resources Engineering in the Civil Engineering Department and School of Geography and Earth Science at McMaster University.

Staff Senior Finance and Administration Associate

Julie Coulombe

Julie Coulombe studied Language and Literature, German and Tourism in Canada.

Expert Professorial Fellow

Prof. Dr. Robin Cowan

Robin Cowan is Professor of the Economics of Technical Change at the  University of Maastricht. 

Expert Lead, Wetlands and Aquatic Ecosystems

Prof. Irena Frances Creed

Prof. Irena Frances Creed is a distinguished ecosystem scientist with wide-ranging research interests spanning planetary health, climate change, ecology, hydrology, biogeochemistry, sustainability, communities-at-risk, and the science-policy interface.

Advisory Committee Member UNU-BIOLAC Human Diseases Models in Transgenic Mice.

Dr. Martina Crispo

Dr. Martina Crispo

Advisory Committee Member International Advisory Committee Member

Prof. Christophe Cudennec

Christophe Cudennec has 25 years of experience in hydrology and management of related resources, demands, territories, risks and interfaces across a variety of hydroclimate and geographic settings.