
Sustainable development is impossible without peace. The interconnected impacts of violence, conflict, and crime divert trillions of dollars each year away from development efforts, and deny billions of people their full human rights.

UNU research covers peacekeeping, the rule of law, and the effectiveness of judicial systems in the context of reducing violence, human trafficking, and exploitation. UNU projects on the changing nature of global violence, for example, provide insights into how humanitarian, development, and security actors must adapt to reduce violence and its impact on society and vulnerable populations.

Showing 253-264 of 298 results

Media Coverage

Is Unbridled Globalization Creating Mafia States?

Political and criminal actors appear to be working more closely together than ever before.

15 Oct 2016


Strengthening the Impact of Research on UN Policy

How UN-oriented research entities could more effectively inform major UN policy processes.

12 Oct 2016


Assessing the UN's Efforts To Counter Terrorism

The UN's crucial operational impact may extend beyond its counter-terrorism framework.

01 Oct 2016


Crime-Proofing Conflict Prevention, Management, and Peacebuilding: A Review of Emerging Good Practice

Good practices on incorporating sensitivity to organized crime into conflict prevention and peacemaking activities.

01 Aug 2016


The Role of Civil Society in Combating WMD Proliferation

Input into the resolution 1540 review process.

01 Jun 2016

Media Coverage

Are Aid Agencies Ready to Deal With War, Terrorism, and Crime in Cities?

After a half-century decline, the frequency and intensity of armed conflicts is on the upswing.

31 May 2016

Blog Post

Peacekeeping in Cities: Is the UN Prepared?

The UN must do more to adjust its peacekeeping policies in order to meet the challenges posed by rapid urbanization.

12 Apr 2016