
Showing 109-120 of 125 results


Crime-Conflict Nexus: Going Straight: Criminal Spoilers, Gang Truces and Negotiated Transitions to Lawful Order

The role of negotiation in contexts where crime and conflict intersect.

01 Apr 2017


Civil War Trends and the Changing Nature of Armed Conflict

Guiding adaptations in conflict management tools for international entities.

01 Mar 2017

Media Coverage

Can the UN Restore International Peace? Maybe, but only from the Ground up

Three direct ways to combat the tendency to focus on the national level and to firmly root the UN’s conflict-management in local soil.

24 Feb 2017

Media Coverage

Is Unbridled Globalization Creating Mafia States?

Political and criminal actors appear to be working more closely together than ever before.

15 Oct 2016


Crime-Proofing Conflict Prevention, Management, and Peacebuilding: A Review of Emerging Good Practice

Good practices on incorporating sensitivity to organized crime into conflict prevention and peacemaking activities.

01 Aug 2016


The Role of Civil Society in Combating WMD Proliferation

Input into the resolution 1540 review process.

01 Jun 2016

Media Coverage

Are Aid Agencies Ready to Deal With War, Terrorism, and Crime in Cities?

After a half-century decline, the frequency and intensity of armed conflicts is on the upswing.

31 May 2016

Media Coverage

What Comes After the War on Drugs?

Leading up to the UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the World Drug Problem, UNU's new report asks "What Comes After the War on Drugs?"

04 Nov 2015