Academic Excellence
The Academic Excellence initiative at UNU-WIDER supports researchers from developing countries to promote their work and ideas to a global network of academics and policy makers.
Global Leadership Training Programme in Africa (GLTP)
The GLTP is a training scheme that provides Japanese postgraduate students with opportunities to conduct field research in Africa.
Education for Sustainable Development - RCEs and ProSPER.Net
The aim of this project is to generate, accelerate and mainstream Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
Governance for Sustainable Development
This project studies how governments and institutions incorporate the SDGs into their policies, thereby contributing to the global agenda.
Blog Post
What Egypt Tells Us About the State of Democracy
What the Egyptian Revolution that began in Tahrir Square has taught us about the current state of democracy around the world.
Blog Post
Why the United Nations Needs More Female Peacekeepers
The appointment of Major General Kristin Lund of Norway as the first female to serve as Force Commander in a UN peacekeeping operation.
21st Century of Disaster: Lessons from the March 2011 Disasters and the Sustainable Development Goals
TOKYO: This symposium aims to incorporate the experiences and lessons learned from "3.11" into discussions on the post-2015 development agenda.
Media Coverage
Capacity Development for Realizing Sustainability
UNU-IAS Director Dr. Kazuhiko Takemoto was interviewed by the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper.
Atoll Island States and International Law — Climate Change Displacement and Sovereignty
The book launch and seminar will explore multidisciplinary legal and engineering perspectives on atolls and their vulnerability to sea-level rise.
Prof. Dr. Zina Nimeh
Dr. Zina Nimeh is an Associate Professor of Public Policy and Social Protection at Maastricht University and the United Nations University-MERIT. She also serves as a member of UNU-MERIT’s Management Team, overseeing the portfolio for Education and Outreach.