Crime-Conflict Nexus: Afghanistan Affectations: How To Break Political-Criminal Alliances in Contexts of Transition
Four possible inflection points where the international community and Afghan government could have fundamentally altered the course.
Civil War Trends and the Changing Nature of Armed Conflict
Guiding adaptations in conflict management tools for international entities.
Blog Post
Conflict Obscuring Criminality in Nigeria
Addressing conflict and crime in Nigeria with a comprehensive approach.
Blog Post
Justice for Syria?
Whether the Syria Mechanism will bring justice for Syria.
Media Coverage
The Best Press: Defense Is No Offense
Why cuts to UN troops in Congo could be a good thing.
Media Coverage
Trump Targets Turtle Bay: How Antonio Guterres Can Save UN Peacebuilding
The Trump White House challenge to Guterres.
Media Coverage
Gaps in Global Advocacy for the Protection of Migrants’ Rights
Global migration governance and a new convention to strengthen migrant rights’ advocacy at the international level.
Media Coverage
The Ultimate Deal: US Presidents and the Allure of Peace in the Middle East
The Israel-Palestine issue is the graveyard of US peacemaking.
Media Coverage
Can the UN Restore International Peace? Maybe, but only from the Ground up
Three direct ways to combat the tendency to focus on the national level and to firmly root the UN’s conflict-management in local soil.
The Rise of High-Level Panels: Implications for the New UN Secretary-General
The evolving UN experience with high-level panels, the types of impact they have had, and how they might prove most valuable going forward.