UNU-CPR Welcomes Visiting Fellows From the Rights Lab
UNU-CPR's Modern Slavery Programme welcomes four Visiting Fellows from the Rights Lab.
Stakeholders Gather to Discuss Rice Cultivation Practices in Ghana
UNU-INRA and Ghana Climate Innovation Centre present findings on project that focuses on improving the output of rice cultivation in Ghana.
New Leadership at United Nations University Centre for Policy Research in Mid-2020
UNU-CPR welcomes Dr David Passarelli as Executive Director.
Tackling Gender-Based Labour Exploitation of Migrant Workers in the Garment Industry through Tech
Researchers Francisca Sassetti and Dr. Hannah Thinyane discuss the issue in a blog post for EQUALS Global Partnership, on International Migrants Day.
UNU Macau at the 11th ITU Kaleidoscope
Dr. Mamello Thinyane presented a paper on operationalising data justice in health informatics, which was nominated for the best paper award.
Press Release
UNU-INRA Launches Report on Stranded Assets at COP25
Awareness of the threats and opportunities of stranded assets is low among African policymakers, a new UNU-INRA report finds.
Assessing the State of Gender Digital Equality in Asia Pacific at the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on the Beijing+25 Review
Don Rodney Junio and Tarinee Youkhaw held a side event and exhibition at United Nations ESCAP.
New Collaboration in the Global Effort To Fight Modern Slavery
UNU-CPR collaborates with the University of Nottingham's Rights Lab to work towards SDG target 8.7.
Collaborating on Solutions to Achieve the SDGs at UNLEASH 2019
UNU Macau's Dr. Mamello Thinyane joined changemakers, mentors and business leaders in this innovation lab dedicated to global sustainability.
Experts Discuss the Future of Policy-Oriented Research for the SDGs
The event discussed the challenges and opportunities ahead for policy-oriented research, including how to co-design research.