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Showing 651-656 of 656 results

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Transdisciplinary Education for Disaster Risk Reduction

Launching the International Network for Advancing Transdisciplinary Education

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Sustainable Development Goals and Disaster Risk Reduction

The symposium will explore linkages between the SDGs and DRR.

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Southeast Asia in Transition: Re-Thinking Education, Science and Culture for Regional Integration

UNU-IAS will contribute to the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Congress to be held on 21–22 October 2014 in Bangkok.

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International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative Fifth Global Conference

PYEONGCHANG, REPUBLIC OF KOREA: The Fifth Global IPSI Conference will be held on 4–5 October to coincide with CBD COP12.

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21st Century of Disaster: Lessons from the March 2011 Disasters and the Sustainable Development Goals

TOKYO: This symposium aims to incorporate the experiences and lessons learned from "3.11" into discussions on the post-2015 development agenda.

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Atoll Island States and International Law — Climate Change Displacement and Sovereignty

The book launch and seminar will explore multidisciplinary legal and engineering perspectives on atolls and their vulnerability to sea-level rise.