Prof. Nathalie Tufenkji
Professor Nathalie Tufenkji's research delves into particle-surface interactions, with a focus on safeguarding water resources, combating plastic pollution, and discovering natural antimicrobials.
Dr. Serdar Türkeli
Serdar Türkeli is Assistant Professor of innovation and governance and conducts academic and policy research at the United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) United Nations University, Maastricht University.
Lucas Turmena
Lucas Turmena is a Project Associate for the Transformative Urban Coalitions project.
Nicholas Turner
Nicholas Turner is a Strategy and Knowledge Management Specialist at UNU-IAS.
Nkemakonam Naomi Ukatu
Nkemakonam Naomi Ukatu
Prof. Farshid Vahedifard
Professor Farshid Vahedifard's work has centered around studying the resilience and adaptation of critical infrastructure, including levees and dams, in the face of extreme events (e.g., droughts, floods, wildfires, and cascading hazards) in a changing climate.
Domenico Valenza
Domenico Valenza is a PhD Fellow with UNU-CRIS label since January 2019.
Thijs Van de Graaf
Professor Dr. Thijs Van de Graaf is a part-time Professorial Fellow at UNU-CRIS.
Remco van de Pas
Dr. Remco van de Pas is the Research Lead for the Climate Justice and Determinants of Health workpackage at the United Nations University’s International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH).
Dr. Kees van der Geest
Dr. Kees van der Geest is Head of the “Environment and Migration: Interactions and Choices” (EMIC) Section at United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS).