Applications Open for 40th UNU Global Seminar
The course will be held in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, on 21–24 August 2024.
UNU-INRA's Innovate for Clean Agricultural Technologies(INFoCAT)team undertakes Baseline Surveys in rural Ghana
INFoCAT team undertakes baseline surveys to gain insights into the agricultural practices,challenges,opportunities in smallholder farming communities.
Enrol Now: SOUTHMOD Online Training Course
This online introductory course is designed to equip students with foundational skills in tax benefit microsimulation models.
Charles Abani (UN Resident Coordinator, Ghana)headlines INRA's 6th Kwapong Lecture
UN Resident Coordinator Ghana, speaks on "Green Wins": Fostering a better dialogue towards sustainable, inclusive natural resource governance.
UNU INRA hosts UGlobe team from Utrecht University
UNU INRA hosts UGlobe team from Utrecht University (Netherlands)for Erasmus Exchange Program.
Master’s Programme Bids Farewell to Graduating Students
Students from Joint Master's Programme, offered by UNU-EHS and the University of Bonn, celebrated the end of their studies with a graduation ceremony.
Nature Meets Innovation at Artificial Intelligence (AI) Workshop to Combat Wildlife Crime
WWF, IFAW, and the United Nations University Promote “AI for Good” for Wildlife Protection
Building Climate Resilience
UNU-INWEH, in collaboration with the French Embassy in Nigeria, supported a Green Oasis Workshop to Celebrate the 2024 World Environment Day
Next Course: “Organoid Models: Basics to Applications”, November 2024.
Apply for a scholarship to participate in the course coordinated by Drs. Romina Pagotto and Mariela Bollati at Institut Pasteur (Montevideo, URU).
“Governance of Data in the Public Sector” Book has been Released
A new book on data governance in the public sector emphasizes a holistic approach and Brazilian regulatory insights.