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Showing 481-490 of 572 results

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Healthy Planet, Healthy People: The Role of the Satoyama Initiative for Green & Blue Recovery

A side event at 2021 HLPF discussing the role of socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Higher Education Sustainability Initiative Special Event at HLPF 2021

An online session exploring the role of higher education in achieving Sustainable Development Goals and promoting resilient recovery.

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Carbon Neutrality & Social Transformation: Are We on Track to Arrive at a Justice-Based Transition?

As part of HLPF 2021, UNU institutes and partners will host a side event exploring the policies needed to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

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Synergising ESD for 2030 Stakeholders Dialogue — Learn for our Planet, Act for Sustainability

This event co-organised by UNU-IAS will discuss how to accelerate multi-stakeholder action on Education for Sustainable Development.

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Codesigning and Piloting Inclusive Participatory Procedures for Enacting the SDGs – From the Physical CoOPLAGE to the Digital CoOPILOT

CoOPLAGE group developed participatory decision methods for 20 years, focusing on "participatory engineering of participation".

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Urban Flood Management in a Data-Scarce Environment

This Nexus Seminar Series event will discuss managing floods in urban environments affected by climate change.

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UNU Macau Research Career Information Sessions

UNU Macau is holding sessions to provide information about their research and culture and to answer questions about six open research positions.

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The Coastal Seascapes We Want — Voices of Women Scientists in Ocean Research

A UNU-IAS webinar bringing together women scientists and ocean activists who base their research in Japan.

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Food System Resilience Nexus Dialogue

Co-organised by UNU-FLORES, this event will investigate the role of Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) in food system resilience.

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Tackling gender-related barriers in COVID-19 vaccine delivery and uptake in LMICs

Gender barriers in health, rooted in various systems, hinder equitable COVID-19 vaccine access, requiring targeted actions to overcome them.