Jana Pfeiffer
Jana Marie Pfeiffer
Revati Phalkey
Dr. Revati Phalkey is the newly appointed Director of the United Nations University Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH).
Prof. Dr. Carlo Pietrobelli
Carlo Pietrobelli is a professor and policy advisor on innovation and industrial development and policy.
Herman Pijpers
Herman Pijpers joined Maastricht University in 2001 and prior to that, he worked as a webmaster at the European Journalism Centre in Maastricht.
Tess Pilkington
Tess Pilkington is a Policy Communications Associate for UNU-CPR. In this role, she supports the Centre’s digital presence, event planning, and dissemination of research publications.
Christopher Pillay
Christopher Wayne Pillay is a Data Scientist at UNU-WIDER and is currently working on the Southern Africa – Towards Inclusive Economic Development (SA-TIED) programme in Pretoria, South Africa.
Karolina Polanski
Karolina Polanski is a Project Assistant for the Postgraduate Degree and Training Programme.
Agung Prasetyo
Agung Prasetyo is a Programme Associate for the Biodiversity and Society Programme.
Advisory Board Member
Dr. Smita Premchander
Smita Premchander is a development practitioner and consultant of international repute. She has done extensive work on poverty reduction, gender equality and women’s empowerment, microfinance, informal and migrant labour, elimination of child labour and bonded labour, crafts development, social inclusion and sustainable development.
Dr. Jian Pu
Jian Pu is a Research Fellow and Academic Associate at UNU-IAS.