New Research Sheds Light on ODA To Address SDG Target 8.7
Delta 8.7 publishes groundbreaking data on countries' development spending commitments.
Videos on Partnership for Apprise - Technology to Identify Victims of Human Trafficking
UNU Macau recently published two videos about Apprise, an app that is user-friendly and appropriate for use with state and civil society actors.
Workshop Considers the Future of Bioenergy Development in Asia
UNU-IAS contributed an international workshop on future perspectives of bioenergy development in Asia.
Report on the Use of ICT to Support Psychosocial Wellbeing of Rural Women
UNU Macau conducted a research based on the iWomen Inspiring Women App, exploring how ICTs can improve mental health of marginalised groups.
"Leaving No One Behind" — Beyond Data Disaggregation
UNU Macau researcher Mamello Thinyane wrote a blog on how to operationalize the concept of "Leave No One Behind" from data perspective.
UNU Institute in Macau Presented a Paper on ICT Tool to Support Operation of a Homeless Centre
Dr. Mamello Thinyane attended the Participatory Design Conference on behalf of UNU Macau.
End of an Era: Michael Best Recalls His Journey as the First Director of UNU Institute in Macau
Before Michael Best left UNU Macau, he shared experiences and memories in this institution, showing optimistic attitude about the Institute’s future.
UNU Institute in Macau at ICA Conference 2018
Juhee Kang and Jenny Ju, on behalf of UNU Macau, presented research works on technology, media, and intercultural exchange, at ICA conference.
UNU Institute in Macau Signs a MOU with City University of Macau
The MOU paves a way for cooperation between UNU Macau and City University of Macau through research projects and exchange on Data Science research.
Skills Training for Survivors of Sexual Exploitation Fieldwork
UNU Macau researchers conducted fieldwork in the Philippines, as part of the Migrant Technology project.