Madeleine Hosli


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Professor Madeleine O. Hosli is the former Director of UNU-CRIS. 

Professor Madeleine O. Hosli has been appointed as Director of UNU-CRIS as of 1 June 2017. Professor Hosli has a distinguished career researching and teaching on European integration, international organisations, and international political economy. She has been a Professor of International Relations at Leiden University (Netherlands) since 2007 where she directs the two-year MSc International Relations and Diplomacy program.

She has held visiting teaching positions at the University of Zürich, the Graduate Institute of International Studies (Geneva), Utrecht University College (UCU) and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

She is author of The Euro: A Concise Introduction to European Monetary Integration (Lynne Rienner, 2005) and has published in various international peer-reviewed journals, including International OrganizationInternational Studies Quarterly, the Review of International Organizations, European Journal of Political Research and the Journal of Common Market Studies. She holds a Jean Monnet Chair Ad Personam and has coordinated the Multilateral Research Group ‘Decision-Making in the European Union Before and After Lisbon’ (DEUBAL; Jean Monnet Programme, 2010-2012). In 2014-2015 she was the convener of the theme group ‘Explaining Decision-Making in the European Union: Insights from the Natural and the Social Sciences’ (EUDINS) at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS) in Wassenaar.

Focusing on the analysis of changes in global power constellations and the role of international and regional organizations in the maintenance of peace and stability, Professor Hosli teaches the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) ‘The Changing Global Order’ (Coursera Platform).