Federico Magalini

magalini@vie.unu.edu +49-228-815-2014/0271

Dr. Magalini, a Mechanical Engineer, holds a PhD in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering from Politecnico di Milano University. He focuses his consultancy on e-waste management and is an author of more than 30 publications in national and international journals and conference proceedings, as well as co-author of the first Italian book on e-waste management, published in 2005. As Associate Program Officer since 2005 at UNU-IAS SCYCLE, Dr. Magalini has been working with the Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP) Initiative on e-waste, including different studies for the European Commission and key stakeholders in the context of the recast of the WEEE Directive; he is currently focusing on capacity building projects mainly in developing countries as project manager of E-waste Academy – Managers Edition. Between 2008 and 2011 Dr. Magalini has also been working as Quality & Operations Manager in a Italian take-back system, and in 2011 he founded CYRCLE, his own consulting company, in addition to his UNU-related activities. In 2017 CYRCLE became the UK branch of Sofies International.


  • Member of Scientific Committee of Italian Recycler’s Association ASSORECUPERI