Mariana Lameiras

Mariana Lameiras

Senior Research Analyst

PhD, Communication Sciences, University of Minho (Portugal), 2016
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Mariana Lameiras is a Senior Research Analyst at the United Nations University since 2023.

Her PhD is in Communication Sciences, in the area of Political Economy of Communication, particularly focusing on state media regulatory bodies and power relationships in Portugal since the establishment of the democratic regime.

Her previous work experience includes being a principal researcher on policies for media and communication at the Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS) of the University of Minho (Braga, Portugal), Professor at the School of Communication and Media Studies – ESCS (Lisbon, Portugal) and the Portuguese Catholic University (Oporto, Portugal). She took part of several externally funded research projects, namely on topics as IPIC (Web presence of Portuguese municipalities), media and information literacy skills and competences for government officials and media ownership and transparency (policies and practices).

She is national correspondent of the European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO) and the Institute for Information Law (University of Amsterdam), with permanent articulation with IRIS – Legal Observations of the EAO. Her current research interests are e-Participation, community engagement, (local) e-government monitoring and assessment, Political Economy of Media, (media) policies and regulation.