Dr. Himanshu Shekhar is an Associate Academic Officer at UNU-EHS.
Dr. Himanshu Shekhar holds a doctorate in urban planning from the Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany where he explored the notion of well-being and identity in cities and their fulfilment through data-driven planning at urban level, adhering to the guidelines of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and New Urban Agenda (NUA). Prior to this, he has a masters in Regional Development Planning and Management, jointly awarded by the Technische Universität, Dortmund, Germany and the Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile. His bachelor education in Spatial Planning is from the School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India. He has been awarded various scholarships by the German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD) and other global organizations.
Prior to joining UNU-EHS, Dr. Shekhar worked with the Institut für Stadtplanung + Städtebau, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany as a researcher and assistant teacher for the masters programme on Urbane System. He also worked on inter-university collaborations with universities in Latin America and South Asia. Additionally, Dr. Shekhar has more than 5 years of working experience with various regional/national government(s) in India on issues ranging from urban transport, infrastructure planning, slum upgradation, provision of basic services, municipal finance, public participation to climate change adaptation and mitigation. He has also worked as a consultant with a leading financial and infrastructure consultancy in India.
Dr. Shekhar has presented his work across various global forums and had been actively involved with various global think tanks.